lost 3 billion birds, nearly 30% of the total

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lost 3 billion birds, nearly 30% of the total

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 19. September 2019, 23:14

"Since the 1970s, the continent has lost 3 billion birds, nearly 30% of the total, and even common birds such as sparrows and blackbirds are in decline, U.S. and Canadian researchers report this week online in Science."

You must read this!

https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/09 ... rveys-show
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Re: lost 3 billion birds, nearly 30% of the total

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Donnerstag 3. Oktober 2019, 21:32

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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1351
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
Wohnort: Nazareth, Belgium
Bewertung: 1225

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