Teleutotje hat geschrieben:A small correction in Trivers:
Trivers, R., 1985, “Social Evolution.” Menlo Park, Calif., The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., xvii + 462 pp.
So the list becomes:
My Books about (among others) Ants: 2/189.
Agosti, D., Majer, J. D., Alonso, L. E., Schultz, T. R. (editors.), 2000, “Ants: Standard Methods for Measuring and Monitoring Biodiversity.” Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, xix + 280 pp.
Agosti, D., Majer, J. D., Alonso, L. E., Schultz, T. R. (editors.), 2000, “Sampling ground-dwelling ants: case studies from the world's rain forests.” Perth, Australia, Curtin University School of Environmental Biology (Bulletin No. 18), xii + 75 pp.
Ameisenschutz aktuell, no. 2/00. Deutsche Ameisenschutzwarte e.V. und ihrer Landesverbände, p. 33-64.
Ameisenschutz aktuell, no. 1/03. Deutsche Ameisenschutzwarte e.V. und ihrer Landesverbände, p. 1-32.
Ameisenschutz aktuell, no. 2/03. Deutsche Ameisenschutzwarte e.V. und ihrer Landesverbände, p. 33-64.
Andersen, A. N., 1991, “The ants of southern Australia. A guide to the Bassian fauna.” Melbourne, CSIRO Publications, vii + 70 pp.
Andersen, A. N., 2000, “The ants of northern Australia. A guide to the monsoonal fauna.” Collingwood, Victoria, CSIRO Publishing, v + 106 pp.
Bernard, F., 1967 ["1968"], “Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen. 3. Les fourmis (Hymenoptera Formicidae) d'Europe occidentale et septentrionale.” Paris, Masson, 411 pp.
Billen, J. P. J. (editor.), 1992, “Biology and Evolution of Social Insects.” Leuven, Leuven University Press, ix + 390 pp.
Boer, P., 2010, “Mieren van de Benelux.” (First Edition.). ′s-Graveland, Netherlands, Stichting Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, 184 pp.
Boer, P., 2015, “Mieren van de Benelux. Tweede - herziene druk.” (Second Edition.) ′s-Graveland, Netherlands, Stichting Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, 184 pp.
Boer, P., Noordijk, J., van Loon, A. J., 2018, “Ecologische atlas van Nederlandse mieren (Hymenoptrera: Formicidae).” EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten en andere ongewervelden, 125 pp.
Bolton, B., 1994, “Identification guide to the ant genera of the world.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 222 pp.
Bolton, B., 1995, “A new general catalogue of the ants of the world.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 504 pp.
Bolton, B., 2003, “Synopsis and Classification of Formicidae.” Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, vol. 71, 370 pp.
Bolton, B., Collingwood, C. A., 1975, “Handbooks for the identification of British Insects. Hymenoptera, Formicidae.” Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, vol. 6, no. 3(c), p. 1-34.
Bourke, A. F. G., Franks, N. R., 1995, “Social Evolution in Ants.” Princeton, Princeton University Press, xiii + 529 pp.
Bouvier, E.-L., 1926, “Le Communisme chez les Insectes.” Paris, Ernest Flammarion, éditeur, 291 pp.
Bretz, D., 1999, “Waldameisen. Bedrohte Helfer im Wald.” Hrsg. Deutsche Ameisenschutzwarte e.V., Oppenan, 24 pp.
Bretz, D., Douwes, P., 2003, “Welche Waldameise ist das? Ein Farbicher Bestimmungsschlüssel für Hügel Bauende Waldameisen.” Ameisenschutz aktuell, Sonderheft Mai 2003, 10 pp.
Brian, M. V., 1977, “Ants.” London, Collins, 223 pp.
Brian, M. V., 1983, “Social insects. Ecology and behavioural biology.” London, Chapman & Hall, x + 377 pp.
Buhs, J. B., 2004, "The Fire Ant Wars. Nature, Science, and Public Policy in Twentieth-Century America." The University of Chicago Press, x + 216 pp.
Buschinger, A., 1985, “Staatenbildung der Insekten.” Erträge der Forschung, Band 223. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, x + 211 pp.
Buytendijk, F. J. J., 1922, “De Wijsheid der Mieren.” De Meulenhoff. Editie, Een Algemeene Bibliotheek. Amsterdam, J. M. Meulenhoff, 213 pp.
Carriére, J.-C., 1998, “Attaville. La Véritable Histoire des Fourmis.” J. C. Lattés, Baume-les-Dames, I. M. E., 189 pp.
Cherix, D., 1986, “Les Fourmis des Bois ou Fourmis Rousses.” Atlas Visuels Payot Lausanne. Série “Comment vivent-ils?” vol. 15. Editions Payot Lausanne, 64 pp.
Cherix, D., Maddalena-Feller, C., 1988, “De la Fourmi Domestique à la Fourmi des Bois. Petit Guide Myrmecologique a travers la Ville de Lausanne.” Les Cahiers de la Foret Lausannoise, no. 3. Musée cantonal de zoologie Lausanne, 46 pp.
Cole, A. C., Jr., 1968, “Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. A study of the genus in North America.” Knoxville, Tenn., University of Tennessee Press, x + 222 pp.
Collingwood, C. A., 1979, “The Formicidae (Hymenoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark.” Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, vol. 8, p. 1-174.
Cornetz, V., 1914, “Les Explorations et les Voyages des Fourmis.” Paris, Ernest Flammarion, éditeur, 192 pp.
Coucke, T., 1927, “In het rijk der mieren.” De West-Vlaamsche Boekhandel. Kortrijk, S. V. Salens’ Drukkerij, 134 pp.
Crompton, J., 1954, “Ways of the Ant.” Collins, London. London and Glasgow, Collins Clear-Type Press, 255 pp.
Czechowski, W., Radchenko, A., Czechowska, W., 2002, “The ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Poland.” Warsaw, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 200 pp.
Czechowski, W., Radchenko, A., Czechowska, W., Vepsäläinen, K., 2012, “The ants of Poland with reference to the myrmecofauna of Europe.” Fauna Poloniae, vol. 4. Warsaw, Natura Optima Dux Foundation, 496 pp.
De Biseau, J.-C., Couvreur, J.-M., 1994, “Faune de Belgique. Fourmis (Formicidae.).” Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 56 pp.
de Bruyn, G. J., Mabelis, A. A., 1983, “Mieren in Meijendel.” I. V. N. afdeling Leiden, 28 pp.
Della Santa, E., 1994, “Guide pour l'identification des principales espèces de fourmis de Suisse.” Miscellanea Faunistica Helvetiae, vol. 3, p. 1-124.
Dekoninck, W., Ignace, D., Vankerkhoven, F., Wegnez, P., 2012, “Verspreidingsatlas van de mieren van België - Atlas des fourmis de Belgique.” Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E. or Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, vol. 148, no. 2, p. 95-186.
Dekoninck, W., Vankerkhoven, F., Maelfait, J.P., 2003, “Verspreidingsatlas en voorlopige Rode Lijst van de mieren van Vlaanderen.” Rapport van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud IN.R.2003.7, 192 pp.
Dill, M., Williams, D. J., Maschwitz, U., 2002, “Herdsmen ants and their mealybug partners.” Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, vol. 557, p. 1-373.
Donisthorpe, H., 1915, “British ants, their life-history and classification.” (First Edition.). Plymouth, Brendon & Son Ltd., xv + 379 pp.
Donisthorpe, H., 1927, “The guests of British ants, their habits and life-histories.” London, G. Routledge and Sons, xxii + 244 pp.
Dorow, W. H. O., 1995, “Revision of the ant genus Polyrhachis Smith, 1857 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) on subgenus level with keys, checklist of species and bibliography.” Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, vol. 185, p. 1-113.
Dumpert, K., 1978, “Das Sozialleben der Ameisen.” (First Edition.). Pareys Studientexte, nr. 18. Mit 95 Abbildungen. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg, 1977, 253 pp.
Dumpert, K., 1994, “Das Sozialleben der Ameisen. 2., neubearbeitete Auflage.” (Second Edition.). Pareys Studientexte, nr. 18. Mit 94 Abbildungen. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg, 1994, 257 pp.
Easterbrook, M., 1988, “Butterflies of the British Isles: The Lycaenidae.” Shire Natural History, no. 24. Haverfordwest, C. I. Thomas & Sons Ltd, 24 pp.
Eder, J., Rembold, H. (editors.), 1987, “Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects.” München, Verlag J. Peperny, xxxv + 757 pp.
Eisner, T., Hölldobler, B., Lindauer, M. (editors.), 1986, “Information Processing in Animals, Vol. 3. Chemische Ökologie, Territorialitét, Gegenseitig Verständigung.” Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Stuttgart, New York, Gustav Fisher Verlag, 91 pp.
Elfferich, N. W., 1966, “De Nederlandse Lycaenidae met Gegevens over de Biologie en de Vliegplaatsen.” Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, vol. 66. Zeist, KNNV Uitgeverij, p. 1-44.
Eliot, J. N., Kawazoé, A., 1983, “Blue butterflies of the Lycaenopsis group.” British Museum (Natural History.). Over Wallop, BAS Printers Limited, 309 pp.
Ellison, A. M., Gotelli, N. J., Farnsworth, E. J., Alpert, G. D., 2012, “A field guide to the ants of New England.” New Haven, Yale University Press, xv + 398 pp.
Engels, W. (editor.), 1990, “Social Insects. An Evolutionary Approach to Castes and Reproduction.” Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 265 pp.
Evans, M. A., Evans, H. E., 1970, “William Morton Wheeler, biologist.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 363 pp.
Ewers, H. H., 1928, “The Ant People.” John Lane The Bodley Head. Herts, The Garden City Press, ix + 323 pp.
Fisher, B.L., Cover, S.P., 2007, “Ants of North America. A Guide to the Genera.” University of California Press, 194 pp.
Forel, A., 1948, “Die Welt der Ameisen. Ausgewählt und übersetzt von Heinrich Kutter. Mit einem Vorwort von Oscar Forel. 61 Abbildungen.” Zürich, Rotapfel-Verlag, 275 pp.
Fragnier, J. (editor.), Demaison, C., Madier, M., 1991, “Vie Sauvage, Vol. 78. Les Fourmis Rousses.” Société des Périodiques Larousse. 20 pp.
Friedli, F., n.d., “Le Monde Etrange des Fourmis.” Petits Atlas de Poche Payot, no. 5, Librairie Payot Lausanne. Berne, Hallwag S. A., 80 pp.
Gauld, I., Bolton, B. (editors.), 1988, “The Hymenoptera.” Oxford, Oxford University Press, xii + 322 pp.
Goetsch, W., 1937, “Die Staaten der Ameisen.” (First Edition.). Berlin, Verlag von Julius Springer, vii + 159 pp.
Goetsch, W., 1953, “Die Staaten der Ameisen. Zweite, ergänzte Auflage.” (Second Edition.). Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, viii + 152 pp.
*** Gösswald, K., 1981, “Artunterschiede der Waldameisen in Aussehen, Lebensweise, Organisation, Verhalten, Nest- und Strassenbau, Ökologie und Verbreitung.” Merkblätter zur Waldhygiene, vol. 1, p. 1-32.
Gösswald, K., 1982, “Artunterschiede der Waldameisen in Aussehen, Lebensweise, Organisation, Verhalten, Nest- und Strassenbau, Ökologie und Vorbereitung.” Waldhygiene, vol. 14, p. 161-192.
Gösswald, K., 1985, “Organisation und Leben der Ameisen.” Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 355 pp.
Gösswald, K., 1989, “Die Waldameise, Band 1: Biologische Grundlagen, Ökologie und Verhalten.” Wiesbaden, Aula Verlag, xi + 660 pp.
Gösswald, K., 1990, “Die Waldameise, Band 2: Die Waldameise im Ökosystem Wald, ihr Nutzen und ihre Hege.” Wiesbaden, Aula Verlag, x + 510 pp.
Gösswald, K., 2012, “Die Waldameise. Biologie, Ökologie und forstliche Nutzung.” 1. Auflage, gekürzte Sonderausgabe in einem Band. (First Edition.). Wiebelsheim, Aula Verlag, xii + 630 pp. - Editors unknown!
Gotwald, W. H., Jr., 1995, “Army ants: the biology of social predation.” Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, xviii + 302 pp.
Greenslade, P. J. M., 1979, “A guide to ants of South Australia.” Adelaide, South Australian Museum (Special Educational Bulletin Series), 44 pp.
Günther, K., 1938, “Het Leven der Insecten. (Insektenleben.).” Amsterdam, N. V. Wereldbibliotheek, 294 pp.
Haskins, C. P., 1947, “Of Ants and Men.” National Book League. George Allen & Unwin, London. London, Charles & Read, vii + 244 pp.
Hermann, H. R. (editor.), 1979, “Social Insects, Vol. 1.” New York, Academic Press, xv + 437 pp.
Hermann, H. R. (editor.), 1981, “Social Insects, Vol. 2.” New York, Academic Press, xiii + 491 pp.
Hermann, H. R. (editor.), 1982, “Social Insects, Vol. 3.” New York, Academic Press, xiii + 459 pp.
Hermann, H. R. (editor.), 1982, “Social Insects, Vol. 4.” New York, Academic Press, xiii + 385 pp.
Hermann, H. R. (editor.), 1984, “Defensive Mechanisms in Social Insects.” New York, Praeger Publishers, xii + 259 pp.
Hölldobler, B. K., Kwapich, C. L., 2022, “The Guests of Ants: How Myrmecophiles Interact with Their Hosts.” Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, xvi + 560 pp.
Hölldobler, B. K., Wilson, E. O., 1990, “The Ants.” Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, xiv + 732 pp.
Hölldobler, B. K., Wilson, E. O., 1994, “Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration.” Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 304 pp.
Hölldobler, B. K., Wilson, E. O., 2008, “The Superorganism. The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies.” New York, W. W. Norton & Company, xxi + 522 pp.
Hölldobler, B. K., Wilson, E. O., 2011, “The Leafcutter Ants. Civilisation by Instinct.” New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 160 pp.
Howse, P. E., Clement, J.-L. (editors.), 1981, “Biosystematics of social insects.” Systematics Association Special Volume No. 19. London, Academic Press, 346 pp.
Huxley, J., 1955, “Les Voies de l’Instinct. Fourmis et Termites.” A la Baconniére, Neuchatel, 104 pp.
Huxley, J., 1962, “Ants.” Arrow Books Ltd., London. Tiptree, The Anchor Press, Ltd., 127 pp.
Janzen, D. H. (editor.), 1983, “Costa Rican natural history.” Chicago, University of Chicago Press, xi + 816 pp.
Keller, L. (editor.), 1993, “Queen Number and Sociality in Insects.” Oxford, Oxford University Press, 451 pp.
Kiriakoff, S. G., 1965, “Onze horizon. Brein op Zes Poten.” Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Sikkel – N.V., 104 pp.
Krombein, K. V., Norden, B. B., Rickson, M. M., Rickson, F. R., 1999, “Biodiversity of Domatia Occupants (Ants, Wasps, Bees, and Others.) of the Sri Lankan Myrmecophyte Humboldtia laurifolia Vahl (Fabaceae.).” Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, no. 603. Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution Press, iv + 34 pp.
Kronauer, D. J. C., 2020, “Army Ants: Nature’s Ultimate Social Hunters.” Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 384 pp.
Künckel d’Herculais, J., 1882, “Les Merveilles de la Nature. L’Homme et les Animaux. A. E. Brehm. Merveilles de la Nature. Les Insectes. Les Myriopodes, les Arachnides et les Crustacés. Édition Française par J. Künckel d’Herculais, aide-naturaliste au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle. Tome 1.” Paris, Librairie J.-B. Baillière et Fils, viii + 720 pp.
Künckel d’Herculais, J., 1882, “Les Merveilles de la Nature. Les Insectes. A. E. Brehm. Merveilles de la Nature. Les Insectes. Les Myriopodes, les Arachnides. Édition Française par J. Künckel d’Herculais, aide-naturaliste au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle. Tome 2.” Paris, Librairie J.-B. Baillière et Fils, iv + 802 pp.
- Tome 2 starts with “Les Formicides – Formicidae
Die Ameisen. – The Ants.” on p. 1-150.
Kutter, H., 1968 (“1969”), “Die sozialparasitischen Ameisen der Schweiz.” Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich auf das Jahr 1969, vol. 171, (Ausgegeben am 31. Dezember 1968), p. 1-62.
Kutter, H., 1977, “Hymenoptera, Formicidae.” In: Sauter, W. (editor.), “Insecta Helvetica. Fauna, vol. 6.“ Zürich, Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft, 298 pp.
Kutter, H., 1978, “Hymenoptera, Formicidae.” In: Sauter, W. (editor.), “Insecta Helvetica. Fauna, vol. 6a.“ Zürich, Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft, 112 pp.
Lach, L., Parr, C. L., Abbott, K. (editors.), 2009, “Ant ecology.” Oxford, Oxford University Press, xvii + 410 pp.
Larson, P. P., Larson, M. W., 1967, “Ants Observed.” Scientific Book Club, London. Bristol, Bristol Typesetting Co., 192 pp.
LaSalle, J., Gauld, I. D. (editors.), 1993, “Hymenoptera and Biodiversity.” Oxford, CAB International, xi + 348 pp.
Lebas, C., Galkowski, C., Blatrix, R., Wegnez, P., 2016, “Guide Delachaux: Fourmis d’Europe occidentale.” Luçon, Delachaux et Niestlé, 415 pp. (In my library: A Dutch translation: Lebas, C., Galkowski, C., Blatrix, R., Wegnez, P., 2019, “Veldgids Mieren van Europa.” Zeist, KNNV Uitgeverij, 416 pp.).
Lewis, T. (editor.), 1984, “Insect communication. 12th Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London.” London, Academic Press, xvii + 414 pp.
Lofgren, C. S., Vander Meer, R. K. (editors.), 1986, “Fire ants and leaf-cutting ants. Biology and management.” Boulder, Westview Press, xv + 435 pp.
Lord Avebury, 1906, “Ants, Bees and Wasps. A Record of Observations on the Habits of the Social Hymenoptera.” London, Kegan Paul, Trenh, Trübner & Co. Ltd., xvii + 436 pp. + 8 plates. - With appendixes.
Lubbock, Sir J. (Lord Avebury.), 1929, “Ants, Bees and Wasps. A Record of Observations on the Habits of the Social Hymenoptera.” London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. Hertford, Stephen Austin & Sons, xix + 377 pp. - No appendixes; Annotated.
Lutz, H., 1990, “Systematische und palökologische Untersuchungen an Insekten aus dem Mittel-Eozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt.” Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, vol. 124, p. 1-165.
Maeterlinck, M., 1930, “La Vie des Fourmis.” Bibliothèque Charpentier. Paris, Eugène Fasquelle, éditeur, 254 pp.
Malyshev, S. I., 1968, “Genesis of the Hymenoptera and the phases of their evolution.” [Translated by B. Haigh, edited by O. W. Richards and B. Uvarov.]. London, Methuen, 319 pp.
Metcalf, C. L., Flint, W. P., Metcalf, R. L., 1951, “Destructive and Useful Insects. Their Habits and Control. Third Edition.” McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, Toronto, London. York, Pa., The Maple Press Company, xiv + 1071 pp.
Moffett, M. W., 1985, “Revision of the genus Myrmoteras (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 151, p. 1-53.
Moffett, M. W., 1986, “Revision of the myrmicine genus Acanthomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 151, p. 55-89.
Morley, D. W., 1953, “The ant world. Their Evolutionary History, their Behaviour, their many Varieties, and the Organization of their Society.” London, Penguin Books, 190 pp.
Morley, D. W., 1954, “The Evolution of an Insect Society.” George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London. Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., Ltd., 216 pp.
Myrmecological News, vol. 25. Published in October 2017, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Entomofaunistik c/o Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 155 pp.
Passera, L., 1984, “L'Organisation Sociale des Fourmis.” Toulouse, Editions Privat, 360 pp.
Peeters, T. M. J., van Achterberg, C., Heitmans, W. R. B., Klein, W. F., Lefeber, V., van Loon, A. J., Mabelis, A. A., Nieuwenhuijsen, H., Reemer, M , de Rond, J., Smit, J., Velthuis, H. H. W., [Reemer, M., van Loon, A. J., Peeters, T. M. J. (editors.)], 2004, “De wespen en mieren van Nederland (Hymenoptera: Aculeata).” Nederlandse Fauna, vol. 6. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, Leiden, KNNV Uitgeverij, Utrecht, European Invertebrate Survey – Nederland, Leiden. Leiden, Drukkerij Groen, 507 pp.
Radchenko, A. G., Elmes, G. W., 2010, “Fauna Mundi Volume 3: Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Old World.” Warszawa, Natura Optima Dux Foundation, 789 pp.
Raignier, A., n.d., “Wat leeft en groeit. De Wereld van Dieren en Planten. Deel 18. Mieren. Eerste Deel.” Kortrijk, Uitgeverij N. V. Zonnewende, 141 pp. - Part 1 of 3.
Raignier, A., 1957, “Het Leven der Mieren.” Utrecht/Antwerpen, Prisma-boeken, Het Spectrum, 207 pp.
Raignier, A., n.d., “Fourmis.” Petits Atlas Payot Lausanne. Librairie Payot Lausanne. Berne, Hallwag S. A., 80 pp.
Raignier, A., van Boven, J. K. A., 1949, “La première colonie belge de la fourmi amazone (Polyergus rufescens Latreille) et description de trois ergatandromorphes nouveaux de cette espèce (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).” Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, vol. 25, no. 4, p. 1-11.
Ramade, F. R., 1972, “Que sais-je? Le point des connaissances actuelles, no. 1153. Le Peuple des Fourmis.” Vendõme, Presses Universitaires de France, 127 pp.
Rhodes, R., 2021, “Scientist. E. O. Wilson: A Life in Nature.“ New York, Doubleday, xiii + 271 pp.
Richards, O. W., 1956, “Hymenoptera. Introduction and key to families.” (First Edition.). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 1-94.
Schmidt, G. H. (editor.), 1987, “Sozialpolymorphismus bei Insekten. Probleme der Kastenbildung im Tierreich.” (2. Auflage, Studienausgabe.). Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, xxiv + 974 pp.
Schmitz, H., 1916, “De Nederlandsche mieren en haar gasten.” Jaarboek 1915. Natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg. Maastricht, C. Goffin, iv + 146 pp./p. 93-238.
Schneirla, T. C., 1971, “Army ants. A study in social organization. (Edited by H. R. Topoff.).” San Francisco, W. H. Freeman & Co., xx + 349 pp.
Schoeters, E., Vankerkhoven, F., 2001, “Onze Mieren.” Educatie Limburgs Landschap Heusden-Zolder, 175 pp.
Schoeters, E., Vankerkhoven, F., 2001, “Onze Mieren. Geactualiseerde Determinatietabel voor België.” Educatie Limburgs Landschap Heusden-Zolder, 62 pp.
Seifert, B., 1996, “Ameisen: beobachten, bestimmen.” Naturbuch Verlag, Augsburg, 351 pp.
Seifert, B., 2007, “Die Ameisen Mittel- und Nordeuropas.” Lutra Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Tauer/Klitten, 368 pp.
Seifert, B., 2018, “The ants of Central and North Europe.” Lutra Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Tauer/Boxberg, 407 pp.
Senden, L., 1929, “Uit het huishouden der mieren. Deel 1.” Davidsfonds. Nr. 224. Brugge, Drukk. Excelsior, 182 pp.
Senden, L., 1929, “Uit het huishouden der mieren. Deel 2.” Davirsfonds. Nr. 225. Brugge, Drukk. Excelsior, 136 pp.
Shattuck, S. O., 1999, “Monographs on Invertebrate Taxonomy, Vol. 3: Australian ants. Their biology and identification.” Collingwood, Victoria, CSIRO Publishing, xi + 226 pp.
Sielaff, M., 1988, “Unsere Waldameisen . Lebensweise-Gefährdung-Schutz.” Schriftenreihe “Wald und Umwelt.” der Schutzgemelnschaft Deutscher Wald e. V. Nr. 24/89, 102 pp.
Skinner, G. J., 1987, “Ants of the British Isles.” Shire Natural History Series, vol. 21, p. 1-24.
Skinner, G. J., Allen, G. W., 1996, “Ants.” Naturalists' Handbook, vol. 24, Slough, The Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd., ii + 83 pp.
- This volume, in its introduction, speaks, as one of only a few, about Solenopsis wagneri Santschi, 1916e.
Sleigh, C., 2004, “Ant.” Animal series. Reaktion Books, 216 pp.
Sleigh, C., 2007, “Six Legs Better: A Cultural History of Myrmecology.” Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, viii + 302 pp.
Stitz, H., 1939, “Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meersteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise. 37. Theil. Hautflüger oder Hymenoptera. I: Ameisen oder Formicidae.” Jena, G. Fischer, 428 pp.
Stockan, J. A., Robinson, E. J. H. (editors.), 2016, “Wood ant ecology and conservation.” Cambridge University Press, 304 pp.
Stoker, K.,1986, “De Verspreiding van Rode Bosmieren op de Hoge Veluwe.” Rijksinstituut voor Natuurbeheer, Arnhem, Leersum en Texel. RIN-rapport 86/9, 110 pp.
Sudd, J. H., 1967, “An introduction to the behaviour of ants.” London, E. Arnold, 200 pp.
Sudd, J. H., Franks, N. R., 1987, “The behavioural ecology of ants.” New York, Chapman & Hall, x + 206 pp.
Systematic Entomology, vol. 24, no. 1, January 1999. Published for the Royal Entomological Society, Blackwell Science Ltd. Torquay, The Devonshire Press, 102 pp.
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